CSE-501 Intro to Grad Study in CSE (Fall 2022)

The course provides guidance about graduate studies in CSE for incoming Ph.D. students. Registration and attendance are required for all new Ph.D. students. Topics include: academic integrity, the nature of research, good teaching and TA skills, writing skills, presentation skills, and resources available for graduate study in computer science. The course will include appropriate written assignments and oral presentations.

Course Details

Course Schedule

Date Speaker

Oliver Kennedy "Introduction" [slides]


Ziming Zhao "How to Succeed or Fail as a Ph.D Student"


Carl Nuessle "Research Grows Strangely"

Joseph Pusztay "Numerical Plasma Simulation in PETSc" [info]

Poonam Kumari "Data Integration: transformation based discovery"

Xie Tan "Embedded System Security"


Oliver Kennedy "How to Write Review a Paper" [talk]

Oliver Kennedy "Microkernel Notebooks" [talk]

Erdem Sariyuce "Practical algorithms for real-world networks"


Zhuoyue Zhao


Jinjun Xiong

Thomas Hayes


Matt Knepley

Andrew Hirsch


Charuvahan Adhivarahan

Darshana Balakrishnan

Lu Dong

Lipisha Nitin Chaudhary

10/25/22 No Class

Karthik Dantu

Hongxin Hu


Kaiyi Ji "Lightning Talk"

Mingchen Gao

Haonan Lu

11/17/22 Panel Discussion: Recent Graduates
Note: Thursday!
11/22/22 Fall Recess
11/29/22 Student Presentations
12/06/22 Student Presentations

Course Structure


Regular attendance is required. You must come to class, and you must come on time. Please be courteous: The class starts at 4:00 PM, not at 4:10 PM. I will take attendance at the beginning of each class. To get a satisfactory (S) grade, you need to attend at least twelve (12) classes.


You will submit three reports during the semester to me by email. The report MUST be in PDF -- any other format is not acceptable. Here some more logistics:

Class Presentation

You will give a 10-minute presentation (7-8 min talk plus 2-3 min Q&A) in class on a technical topic (related to CSE) of your choice. The presentations will be on the last two lectures, i.e. Tuesday, November 29 and Tuesday, December 6.

Course Policies

Late Policy
All assignments are due on the day and time posted. Late submissions will not be graded.
Extra Credit
No extra work in the next semester will be given to improve your grade.
An incomplete (I) grade will only be assigned under extreme circumstances. Please discuss with the instructor.

Academic Integrity

Students are encouraged to actively discuss each others presentations and/or offer preliminary critiques and presentation advice prior to the final presentation dates. Students are also encouraged to discuss the speakers with each other. However, all submitted work must be original. Students should not directly assist in the creation of presentations, all talk reports must be written individually, and you are only allowed to sign-in for yourself at the start of each class.

All references to prior work (your own or others) must be cited. The only exception to this policy is work that is immediately relevant from context (e.g., talk you are writing a report on need not be cited).

If in doubt about what constitutes appropriate behavior, ask the instructor. It is the CSE department's policy not to provide financial support to any student convicted of an academic integrity violation:

CSE Departmental Policy on Academic Integrity

UB's Office of Academic Integrity

Medical Emergencies

Accommodations for medical emergencies will be made on a case-by-case basis.  Requests for extensions based on medical emergencies must be accompanied by documentation of the emergency from student health services:

Student Health Services

Accessibility Resources

If you have a diagnosed disability (physical, learning, or psychological) that will make it difficult for you to carry out the course work as outlined, or that requires accommodations such as recruiting note-takers, readers, or extended time on exams or assignments, please advise the instructor during the first two weeks of the course so that we may review possible arrangements for reasonable accommodations. In addition, if you have not yet done so, contact:

The Office of Accessibility Resources.

This page last updated 2024-12-09 13:28:24 -0500