September 24
01: read(N)
02: Z := 0
03: I := 1
04: while (I < N) do
05: read(X)
06: if (X < 0) then
07: Y := f1(X)
08: Y := f2(X)
end if
09: Z = f3(Z, Y)
10: I = I + 1
end while
11: write(Z)
Instruction 4 has a data dependency on 1
01: read(N)
02: Z := 0
03: I := 1
04: while (I < N) do
Instruction 11 has a data dependency on both 2 and 9
(any unbroken path from write to read counts)
02: Z := 0
04: while (I < N) do
09: Z = f3(Z, Y)
end while
11: write(Z)
Instruction 8 has a control flow dependency from 6
Instruction 9 has a control flow dependency from 4
04: while (I < N) do
06: if (X < 0) then
08: Y := f2(X)
09: Z = f3(Z, Y)
Target: Start with a line and a set of variables.
Goal: Find the subset of the program that generates the same values for the specified variables.
define f(x, y, z):
1: x = y + z
2: z = y * z
Worst case assumptions:
1: x = 2
2: y = 3
3: *z = 4
4: write(x)
Does $x$ on the last line depend on line 3?
It depends on what $z$ is
1: x[0] = 2
2: x[1] = 3
3: x[z] = 4
4: write(x[0])
Does $x[0]$ on the last line depend on line 3?
It also depends on what $z$ is
Which value gets written to can change at runtime.
Idea 1: Worst-case assumptions
Slightly tighter restrictions possible if referring to an array/struct instead of a pointer
Idea 2: Determine possible program states
struct { int curr; LL *next } LL;
1: read(N)
2: I := 0
3: X := new LL { -1, null }
4: Y := &X->curr
5: while(I < N)
6: X := new LL { I, X }
7: Y := X->next->curr
8: I := I + 1
end while
9: print_ll(X)
What does X depend on as of line 6?
Consider possible state trajectories
View each entry in the state trajectory as a set of possible states
{ | N = [read value] (line 1); |
I = 0 (line 2); | |
$\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3); | |
Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4); | |
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 6); | |
$\ell_2$ = { 0, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 6) } |
{ | N = [read value] (line 1); |
I = 0 (line 2); | |
X = ptr to $\ell_1$ (line 3); | |
$\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3); | |
Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4); } |
{ | N = [read value] (line 1); |
I = 0 (line 2); | |
$\ell_1$ = { -1, null } (line 3); | |
Y = ptr to $\ell_1$.curr; (line 4); | |
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ OR $\ell_1$ (lines 3 or 6) | |
$\ell_2$ = { 0, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 6) } |
Problem: Infinite possible states!
Each time through the loop we get another $\ell$ assigned.
Observation: Only need to repeat states enough times to get dependencies
Idea: Collapse states into the minimum needed
struct { int curr; LL *next } LL;
1: read(N)
2: I := 0
3: X := new LL { -1, null }
4: while(I < N)
5: X := new LL { I, X }
6: I := I + 1
end while
7: print_ll(X)
{ | N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1); |
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2); | |
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3); | |
X = ptr to $\ell_1$ (line 3) |
{ | N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1); |
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2); | |
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3); | |
$\ell_2$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 5); | |
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 5) |
{ | N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1); |
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2); | |
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3); | |
$\ell_2$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_1$ } (line 5); | |
$\ell_3$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_2$ } (line 5); | |
X = ptr to $\ell_2$ (line 5) |
$\ell_2$ and $\ell_3$ are "similar". Replace them with a new virtual $v_4$
{ | N = $\mathbb C$ (line 1); |
I = $\mathbb C$ (line 2); | |
$\ell_1$ = { $\mathbb C$, null } (line 3); | |
$v_4$ = { $\mathbb C$, ptr to $\ell_1$ OR $v_4$ } (line 5); | |
X = ptr to $v_4$ (line 5) |
2+ loops subsumes both 1 loop and 3+ loops
Final state representation: { 0 loops; 2+ loops }
What if we want to slice a program in the context of specific inputs?
01: read(N)
02: Z := 0
03: I := 1
04: while (I < N) do
05: read(X)
06: if (X < 0) then
07: Y := f1(X)
08: Y := f2(X)
end if
09: Z = f3(Z, Y)
10: I = I + 1
end while
11: write(Z)
... with N = 2, X = -4, 3 the trace of this program is
$1^1$ $2^1$ $3^1$ $4^1$ $5^1$ $6^1$ $7^1$ $9^1$ $10^1$ $4^2$ $5^2$ $6^2$ $8^2$ $9^2$ $10^2$ $4^3$ $11^1$
(superscripts distiguish repeated occurrences)
Instead of considering all paths, focus on the trace under the provided inputs
(Dependencies for Y as of $8^2$ on N = 2, X = -4, 3)
Added benefit: Can handle pointer tracking gracefully: Know exactly what the pointer's value will be.