- Indexing (Part 2) and Views

Indexing (Part 2) and Views

March 4, 2021

Garcia-Molina/Ullman/Widom: Papers and Ch. 8.1-8.2


  1. How do we keep a list sorted under updates?
  2. Can we "compress" an ISAM index?
  3. Other ways to accelerate queries.

Access Paths

Reads Want: Nice sorted, compact list.

Writes Want: Random order.

What happens if we optimize for reads
(and even do away with pages)

Each insert requires $O(N)$ write IOs.

"Write Amplification"

How can we reduce Write Amplification?

Idea: Buffer writes

Pro: With a $\mathcal B$ element buffer, $O(\frac{N}{\mathcal B})$ write amplification (amortized)

Con: Every read now needs to go to two places

Con: $O(\frac{N}{\mathcal B})$ is still linear

Idea: Don't merge!

Pro: No write amplification!

Con: Every read now needs to go to $O(\frac{N}{B})$ places on disk (Read Amplification)

Idea: Combine the two?

Log-Structured Merge (LSM) Trees

  • Buffer contains $\mathcal B$ records
  • Level 1 contains $\mathcal B$ records
  • Level 2 contains $2\mathcal B$ records
  • Level 3 contains $4\mathcal B$ records

In general, level $i$ contains $2^{i-1} \mathcal B$ records.

When writing to a full level, merge and write to next level instead.

Basic LSM Trees

Write Amplification: Every record copied $O(\log N)$ times

Read Amplification: At most $O(\log N)$ levels

LSM Trees in Practice

  • LevelDB/RocksDB
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Google Bigtable
  • HBase

Other design choices

Instead of doubling the size of each level, have each level grow by a factor of $K$. Level $i$ is merged into level $i+1$ when its size grows above $K^{i-1}$.
"Tiered" (instead of "Leveled")
Store each level as $K$ sorted runs instead of proactively merging them. Merge the runs together when escalating them to the next level.

CDF-Based Indexing

"The Case for Learned Index Structures"
by Kraska, Beutel, Chi, Dean, Polyzotis

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

$f(key) \mapsto position$

(not exactly true, but close enough for today)

Using CDFs to find records

Ideal: $f(k) = position$
$f$ encodes the exact location of a record
Ok: $f(k) \approx position$
$\left|f(k) - position\right| < \epsilon$
$f$ gets you to within $\epsilon$ of the key
Only need local search on one (or so) leaf pages.

Simplified Use Case: Static data with "infinite" prep time.

How to define $f$?

  • Linear ($f(k) = a\cdot k + b$)
  • Polynomial ($f(k) = a\cdot k + b \cdot k^2 + \ldots$)
  • Neural Network ($f(k) = $)

We have infinite prep time, so fit a (tiny) neural network to the CDF.

Neural Networks

    Extremely Generalized Regression
    Essentially a really really really complex, fittable function with a lot of parameters.
    Captures Nonlinearities
    Most regressions can't handle discontinuous functions, which many key spaces have.
    No Branching
    if statements are really expensive on modern processors.
    (Compare to B+Trees with $\log_2 N$ if statements)


Tree Indexes
$O(\log N)$ access, supports range queries, easy size changes.
Hash Indexes
$O(1)$ access, doesn't change size efficiently, only equality tests.
LSM Trees
$O(K\log(\frac{N}{B}))$ access. Good for update-unfriendly filesystems.
CDF Indexes
$O(1)$ access, supports range queries, static data only.


      SELECT partkey 
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate >= DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')
      ORDER BY shipdate DESC LIMIT 10;

      SELECT suppkey, COUNT(*) 
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate >= DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')
      GROUP BY suppkey;

      SELECT partkey, COUNT(*) 
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate > DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')
      GROUP BY partkey;

All of these views share the same business logic!

Started as a convenience

      CREATE VIEW salesSinceLastMonth AS
        SELECT l.*
        FROM lineitem l, orders o
        WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
        AND o.orderdate > DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')

      SELECT partkey FROM salesSinceLastMonth
      ORDER BY shipdate DESC LIMIT 10;

      SELECT suppkey, COUNT(*)
      FROM salesSinceLastMonth
      GROUP BY suppkey;

      SELECT partkey, COUNT(*)
      FROM salesSinceLastMonth
      GROUP BY partkey;

But also useful for performance

        SELECT l.*
        FROM lineitem l, orders o
        WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
        AND o.orderdate > DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')

Materializing the view, or pre-computing and saving the view lets us answer all of the queries on the view faster!

What if the query doesn't use the view?

      SELECT l.partkey
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate > DATE(’2015-03-31’)
      ORDER BY l.shipdate DESC
      LIMIT 10;

Can we detect that a query could be answered with a view?


View Query User Query
FROM $R_v$
FROM $R_q$

When are we allowed to rewrite this table?

View Query User Query
FROM $R_v$
FROM $R_q$
$R_V \subseteq R_Q$
All relations in the view are part of the query join
$C_Q = C_V \wedge C'$
The view condition is 'weaker' than the query condition
$attrs(C') \cap attrs(R_V) \subseteq L_V$     $L_Q \cap attrs(R_V) \subseteq L_V$
The view doesn't project away needed attributes
View Query User Query
FROM $R_v$
FROM $R_q$
FROM $(R_Q - R_V)$, view


  • For each relation, identify candidate indexes
  • For each join, identify candidate indexes
  • Identify candidate views
  • Identify available join, aggregate, sort algorithms

Enumerate all possible plans

... then how do you pick? (more soon)