CSE-4/562 Spring 2019 - Indexing (Part 3) and Views

Indexing (Part 3) and Views

CSE-4/562 Spring 2019

February 22, 2019

Textbook: Papers and Ch. 8.1-8.2

Log-Structured Merge Trees

Some filesystems (HDFS, S3, SSDs) don't like updates

You don't update data, you rewrite the entire file (or a large fragment of it).

Idea 1: Buffer updates, periodically write out new blocks to a "log".

  • Not organized! Slooooow access
  • Grows eternally! Old values get duplicated

Idea 2: Keep data on disk sorted. Buffer updates. Periodically merge-sort buffer into the data.

  • $O(N)$ IOs to merge-sort
  • "Write amplification" (each record gets read/written on all buffer merges).

Idea 3: Keep data on disk sorted, and in multiple "levels". Buffer updates.

  1. When buffer full, write to disk as Level 1.
  2. If Level 1 exists, merge buffer into Level 1 to create Level 2.
  3. If old Level 2 exists, merge new and old to create Level 3.
  4. etc...

Key observation: Level $i$ is $2^{i-1}$ times the size of the buffer (the size of the level doubles with each merge).

Result: Each record copied at most $\log(N)$ times.

Other design choices

Instead of doubling the size of each level, have each level grow by a factor of $K$. Level $i$ is merged into level $i+1$ when its size grows above $K^{i-1}$.
"Tiered" (instead of "Leveled")
Store each level as $K$ sorted runs instead of proactively merging them. Merge the runs together when escalating them to the next level.

Other design choices

Fence Pointers
Separate each sorted run into blocks, and store the start/end keys for each block (makes it easier to evaluate selection predicates)
Bloom Filters
Some data structures can be used to quickly answer lookups.


"The log-structured merge-tree (LSM-tree)" by O'Neil et. al.
The original LSM tree paper
"bLSM: a general purpose log structured merge tree" by Sears et. al.
LSM Trees with background compaction. Also a clear summary of LSM trees
Monkey: Optimal Navigable Key-Value Store
A comprehensive overview of the LSM Tree design space.

CDF-Based Indexing

"The Case for Learned Index Structures"
by Kraska, Beutel, Chi, Dean, Polyzotis

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

$f(key) \mapsto position$

(not exactly true, but close enough for today)

Using CDFs to find records

Ideal: $f(k) = position$
$f$ encodes the exact location of a record
Ok: $f(k) \approx position$
$\left|f(k) - position\right| < \epsilon$
$f$ gets you to within $\epsilon$ of the key
Only need local search on one (or so) leaf pages.

Simplified Use Case: Static data with "infinite" prep time.

How to define $f$?

  • Linear ($f(k) = a\cdot k + b$)
  • Polynomial ($f(k) = a\cdot k + b \cdot k^2 + \ldots$)
  • Neural Network ($f(k) = $)

We have infinite prep time, so fit a (tiny) neural network to the CDF.

Neural Networks

    Extremely Generalized Regression
    Essentially a really really really complex, fittable function with a lot of parameters.
    Captures Nonlinearities
    Most regressions can't handle discontinuous functions, which many key spaces have.
    No Branching
    if statements are really expensive on modern processors.
    (Compare to B+Trees with $\log_2 N$ if statements)


Tree Indexes
$O(\log N)$ access, supports range queries, easy size changes.
Hash Indexes
$O(1)$ access, doesn't change size efficiently, only equality tests.
LSM Trees
$O(K\log(\frac{N}{B}))$ access. Good for update-unfriendly filesystems.
CDF Indexes
$O(1)$ access, supports range queries, static data only.

$\sigma_C(R)$ and $(\ldots \bowtie_C R)$

Original Query: $\pi_A\left(\sigma_{B = 1 \wedge C < 3}(R)\right)$

Possible Implementations:

$\pi_A\left(\sigma_{B = 1 \wedge C < 3}(R)\right)$
Always works... but slow
$\pi_A\left(\sigma_{\wedge B = 1}( IndexScan(R,\;C < 3) ) \right)$
Requires a non-hash index on $C$
$\pi_A\left(\sigma_{\wedge C < 3}( IndexScan(R,\;B=1) ) \right)$
Requires a any index on $B$
$\pi_A\left( IndexScan(R,\;B = 1, C < 3) \right)$
Requires any index on $(B, C)$

Lexical Sort (Non-Hash Only)

Sort data on $(A, B, C, \ldots)$

First sort on $A$, $B$ is a tiebreaker for $A$,
$C$ is a tiebreaker for $B$, etc...

All of the $A$ values are adjacent.
Supports $\sigma_{A = a}$ or $\sigma_{A \geq b}$
For a specific $A$, all of the $B$ values are adjacent
Supports $\sigma_{A = a \wedge B = b}$ or $\sigma_{A = a \wedge B \geq b}$
For a specific $(A,B)$, all of the $C$ values are adjacent
Supports $\sigma_{A = a \wedge B = b \wedge C = c}$ or $\sigma_{A = a \wedge B = b \wedge C \geq c}$

For a query $\sigma_{c_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge c_N}(R)$

  1. For every $c_i \equiv (A = a)$: Do you have any index on $A$?
  2. For every $c_i \in \{\; (A \geq a), (A > a), (A \leq a), (A < a)\;\}$: Do you have a tree index on $A$?
  3. For every $c_i, c_j$, do you have an appropriate index?
  4. etc...
  5. A simple table scan is also an option

Which one do we pick?

(You need to know the cost of each plan)

These are called "Access Paths"

Strategies for Implementing $(\ldots \bowtie_{c} S)$

Sort/Merge Join
Sort all of the data upfront, then scan over both sides.
In-Memory Index Join (1-pass Hash; Hash Join)
Build an in-memory index on one table, scan the other.
Partition Join (2-pass Hash; External Hash Join)
Partition both sides so that tuples don't join across partitions.
Index Nested Loop Join
Use an existing index instead of building one.

Index Nested Loop Join

To compute $R \bowtie_{S.B > R.A} S$ with an index on $S.B$
  1. Read one row of $R$
  2. Get the value of $a = R.A$
  3. Start index scan on $S.B > a$
  4. Return all rows from the index scan
  5. Read the next row of $R$ and repeat

Index Nested Loop Join

To compute $R \bowtie_{S.B\;[\theta]\;R.A} S$ with an index on $S.B$
  1. Read one row of $R$
  2. Get the value of $a = R.A$
  3. Start index scan on $S.B\;[\theta]\;a$
  4. Return all rows from the index scan
  5. Read the next row of $R$ and repeat


      SELECT partkey 
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate >= DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')
      ORDER BY shipdate DESC LIMIT 10;

      SELECT suppkey, COUNT(*) 
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate >= DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')
      GROUP BY suppkey;

      SELECT partkey, COUNT(*) 
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate > DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')
      GROUP BY partkey;

All of these views share the same business logic!

Started as a convenience

      CREATE VIEW salesSinceLastMonth AS
        SELECT l.*
        FROM lineitem l, orders o
        WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
        AND o.orderdate > DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')

      SELECT partkey FROM salesSinceLastMonth
      ORDER BY shipdate DESC LIMIT 10;

      SELECT suppkey, COUNT(*)
      FROM salesSinceLastMonth
      GROUP BY suppkey;

      SELECT partkey, COUNT(*)
      FROM salesSinceLastMonth
      GROUP BY partkey;

But also useful for performance

        SELECT l.*
        FROM lineitem l, orders o
        WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
        AND o.orderdate > DATE(NOW() - '1 Month')

Materializing the view, or pre-computing and saving the view lets us answer all of the queries on the view faster!

What if the query doesn't use the view?

      SELECT l.partkey
      FROM lineitem l, orders o
      WHERE l.orderkey = o.orderkey
      AND o.orderdate > DATE(’2015-03-31’)
      ORDER BY l.shipdate DESC
      LIMIT 10;

Can we detect that a query could be answered with a view?


View Query User Query
FROM $R_v$
FROM $R_q$

When are we allowed to rewrite this table?

View Query User Query
FROM $R_v$
FROM $R_q$
$R_V \subseteq R_Q$
All relations in the view are part of the query join
$C_Q = C_V \wedge C'$
The view condition is 'weaker' than the query condition
$attrs(C') \cap attrs(R_V) \subseteq L_V$     $L_Q \cap attrs(R_V) \subseteq L_V$
The view doesn't project away needed attributes
View Query User Query
FROM $R_v$
FROM $R_q$
FROM $(R_Q - R_V)$, view


  • For each relation, identify candidate indexes
  • For each join, identify candidate indexes
  • Identify candidate views
  • Identify available join, aggregate, sort algorithms

Enumerate all possible plans

... then how do you pick? (more next class)