CSE-250 Fall 2022 - Section B - Asymptotic Notation Examples

Asymptotic Notation Examples

CSE-250 Fall 2022 - Section B

Sept 14, 2022

Textbook: Ch. 7.3-7.4

Big-_ Notation Recap

Growth Functions in the same complexity class.
If $f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$, then an algorithm that takes $f(n)$ steps is exactly as fast as one that takes $g(n)$ steps.
Growth Functions in the same or smaller complexity class.
If $f(n) \in O(g(n))$, then an algorithm that takes $f(n)$ steps is as fast as or faster than one that takes $g(n)$ steps.
Growth Functions in the same or bigger complexity class.
If $f(n) \in \Omega(g(n))$, then an algorithm that takes $f(n)$ steps is as slow as or slower than one that takes $g(n)$ steps.

Common Runtimes

Constant Time: $\Theta(1)$
e.g., $T(n) = c$ (runtime is independent of $n$)
Logarithmic Time: $\Theta(\log(n))$
e.g., $T(n) = c\log(n)$ (for some constant $c$)
Linear Time: $\Theta(n)$
e.g., $T(n) = c_1n + c_0$ (for some constants $c_0, c_1$)
Quadratic Time: $\Theta(n^2)$
e.g., $T(n) = c_2n^2 + c_1n + c_0$
Polynomial Time: $\Theta(n^k)$ (for some $k \in \mathbb Z^+$)
e.g., $T(n) = c_kn^k + \ldots + c_1n + c_0$
Exponential Time: $\Theta(c^n)$ (for some $c \geq 1$)

Constants vs Asymptotics

Constant-Factor Speedups

    for(i ← 0 until n) { /* do work */ }
  • Original Body: $10$ steps (Total runtime: $10n$ steps)
  • Optimized Body: $7$ steps (Total runtime: $7n$ steps)

    Total Runtime: 7/10 of original (30% faster)

    ... but still $\Theta(n)$

$c$ and $n_0$

Compare $T_1(n) = 100n$ vs $T_2(n) = n^2$

  • $100n = O(n^2)$ ($T_2$ is the slower runtime)
  • ... but $c_{high} = 1$, $n_0 = 100$
  • Until inputs of size 100 or more, $T_2$ is the faster runtime

$c$ and $n_0$

Asymptotically slower runtimes can be better.

  • An algorithm with runtime $T_2$ is better on small inputs.
  • An algorithm with runtime $T_2$ might be easier to implement or maintain
  • An algorithm with runtime $T_1$ might not exist.
    • (sometimes we can prove this, see CSE 331)

... but from now on, if $T_2(n)$ is in a bigger complexity class, then $T_1(n)$ is better/faster/stronger.


Bubble Sort

    bubblesort(seq: Seq[Int]):
  1.  n ← seq length
  2.  for i ← n-2 to 0, by -1:
  3.    for j ← i to n-1:
  4.      if seq(j+1) < seq(j):
  5.        swap seq(j) and seq(j+1)

What is the runtime complexity class of Bubble Sort?

Summation Rules

  1. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}c = (k - j + 1)c$
  2. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}(cf(i)) = c\sum_{i=j}^{k}f(i)$
  3. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}(f(i) + g(i)) = \left(\sum_{i=j}^{k}f(i)\right) + \left(\sum_{i=j}^{k}g(i)\right)$
  4. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}(f(i)) = \left(\sum_{i=\ell}^{k}(f(i))\right) - \left(\sum_{i=\ell}^{j-1}(f(i))\right)$ (for any $\ell < j$)
  5. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}f(i) = f(j) + f(j+1) + \ldots + f(k-1) + f(k)$
  6. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}f(i) = f(j) + \ldots + f(\ell - 1) + \left(\sum_{i=\ell}^k f(i)\right)$ (for any $j < \ell \leq k$)
  7. $\sum_{i=j}^{k}f(i) = \left(\sum_{i=j}^{\ell}f(i)\right) + f(\ell+1) + \ldots + f(k)$ (for any $j \leq \ell < k$)
  8. $\sum_{i=1}^{k}i = \frac{k(k+1)}{2}$
  9. $\sum_{i=0}^{k}2^i = 2^{k+1}-1$
  10. $n! \leq c_sn^n$ is a tight upper bound (Sterling: Some constant $c_s$ exists)

Bubble Sort

    bubblesort(seq: Seq[Int]):
  1.  n ← seq length
  2.  for i ← n-2 to 0, by -1:
  3.    for j ← i to n-1:
  4.      if seq(j+1) < seq(j):
  5.        swap seq(j) and seq(j+1)

Note: We can ignore the exact number of steps required by any step in the algorithm, as long as we know its complexity

Can we safely say this algorithm is $\Theta(n^2)$?

Bubble Sort (for Mutable Sequences)

    def sort(seq: mutable.Seq[Int]): Unit =
      val n = seq.length
      for(i <- n - 2 to 0 by -1; j <- i to n)
        if(seq(n) < seq(j))
          val temp = seq(j+1)
          seq(j+1) = seq(j)
          seq(j) = temp

Bubble Sort (for Immutable Sequences)

    def sort(seq: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] =
      val newSeq = seq.toArray
      val n = seq.length
      for(i <- n - 2 to 0 by -1; j <- i to n)
        if(newSeq(n) < newSeq(j))
          val temp = newSeq(j+1)
          newSeq(j+1) = newSeq(j)
          newSeq(j) = temp
      return newSeq.toList

Searching Sequences

    def indexOf[T](seq: Seq[T], value: T, from: Int): Int =
      for(i <- from until seq.length)
        if(seq(i).equals(value)) { return i }
      return -1

Searching Sequences

    def count[T](seq: Seq[T], value: T): Int =
      var count = 0; 
      var i = indexOf(seq, value, 0)
      while(i != -1)
        count += 1;
        i = indexOf(seq, value, i+1)
      return count

Searching Sorted Sequences

... with $O(1)$ access to elements ('random access')

  • To search $[begin, end)$:
    • compare $target$ to $seq[middle]$ ($middle = \frac{end+begin}{2}$
    • If $seq[middle] = target$ return $middle$
    • If $target < seq[middle]$ search $[begin, middle)$
    • If $seq[middle] < target$ search $[middle+1, end)$
    • If $begin = end$, the value doesn't exist.

What if no random access is available?