CSE-250 Fall 2022 - Section B - Asymptotic Notation

Asymptotic Notation

CSE-250 Fall 2022 - Section B

Sept 7 and 12, 2022

Textbook: Ch. 7.3-7.4

When is an algorithm "fast"?

  • Real world ("Wall Clock") time?
    Is 10s fast? 100ms? 10μs?
    It depends on the task!
    Do you rank the algorithm or the implementation?
    Compare Grace Hopper's implementation to yours.
    CPU Effects (e.g., ARM RK3399S vs Intel i9 vs AMD 5950)
    Different speed/capability trade-offs
    Bottlenecks: CPU vs IO vs Memory vs Network vs ...
  • Wall-clock time is not great for a 50k-ft view.

Growth Functions

$n$: The "size" of the input
e.g., the number of users, rows of data, etc...
$f(n)$: The number of "steps" taken for an input of size $n$
e.g., 20 steps per user is $20\times n$ (with $n = |\texttt{Users}|$)

Growth Function Assumptions

Problem sizes are non-negative integers
$n \in \mathbb Z^+ \cup \{0\}$
We can't reverse time
$f(n) \geq 0$
Smaller problems aren't harder than bigger problems
For any $n_1 < n_2$, $f(n_1) \leq f(n_2)$

To make the math simpler, we'll allow fractional steps.

... but $f_1(n) = 20n \;\;\; \not\equiv \;\;\; f_2(n) = 19n$

Idea: Organize growth functions into complexity classes.

Asymptotic Analysis @ 5000 feet

Case 1: $lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} = \infty$

($f(n)$ is "bigger"; $g(n)$ is the better runtime on larger data)

Case 2: $lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} = 0$

($g(n)$ is "bigger"; $f(n)$ is the better runtime on larger data)

Case 3: $lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} = \text{some constant}$

($f(n)$, $g(n)$ "behave the same" on larger data)


The following are all saying the same thing

  • $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} = $ some non-zero constant.
  • $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ have the same complexity.
  • $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ are in the same complexity class.
  • $f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$

Big-Theta (As a Limit)

$f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$ iff...

$$0 < \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} < \infty$$


$\Theta(g(n))$ is the set of functions in the same complexity class as $g(n)$

People sometimes write $f(n) = \Theta(g(n))$ when they mean $f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$

Symmetric: $f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$ is the same as $g(n) \in \Theta(f(n))$

If you can shift/stretch $g(n)$ into $f(n)$, they're in the same class.

... Instead, think of $g(n)$ as a bound.

Can you bound $f(n)$ by shift/stretching $g(n)$?


The following are all saying the same thing

  • $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} = $ some non-zero constant.
  • $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ have the same complexity.
  • $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ are in the same complexity class.
  • $f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$
  • $f(n)$ is bounded from above and below by $g(n)$

Big-Theta (As a Bound)

$f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{low}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \geq c_{low}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{low}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always bigger than $c_{low}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$
$\exists c_{high}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \leq c_{high}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{high}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{high}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$

Proving Big-Theta (Without Limits)

  1. Assume $f(n) \geq c_{low}g(n)$.
  2. Rewrite the above formula to find a $c_{low}$ for which it holds (for big enough n).
  3. Assume $f(n) \leq c_{high}g(n)$.
  4. Rewrite the above formula to find a $c_{high}$ for which it holds (for big enough n).


If $f(n) \geq g'(n)$ and $g'(n) \geq g(n)$ then $f(n) \geq g'(n)$

Lesson: To show $f(n) \geq c g(n)$, you can instead show:

  1. $f(n) \geq c g'(n)$
  2. $cg'(n) \geq c g(n)$


If $f(n) \geq g(n)$ and $f'(n) \geq g'(n)$ then $f(n) + f'(n) \geq g(n) + g'(n)$

Lesson: To show $f(n) + f'(n) \geq c g(n) + c' g'(n)$, you can instead show:

  1. $f(n) \geq c g(n)$
  2. $f'(n) \geq c' g'(n)$


  • $\log(n) \geq c$ (for any $n \geq 2^c$)
  • $n \geq \log(n)$ for any $n \geq 0$
  • $n^2 \geq n$ for any $n \geq 1$
  • $2^n \geq n^c$ for sufficiently large $n$


$$2^n + 4n \in \Theta(n^2)?$$
$$2^n + 4n \in \Theta(n)?$$
$$1000n\log(n) + 5n \in \Theta(n\log(n))?$$

Shortcut: Find the dominant term being summed, and remove constants.

Asymptotic Runtime

We write $T(n)$ to mean a runtime growth function.

In data structures, $n$ is usually the number of elements in a collection.


What is the asymptotic runtime of...

  • ...counting the number of times $x$ appears in a Linked List?
  • ...counting the number of times $x$ appears in a Linked List?
  • ...using multiplication to compute Factorial?

Common Runtimes

Constant Time: $\Theta(1)$
e.g., $T(n) = c$ (runtime is independent of $n$)
Logarithmic Time: $\Theta(\log(n))$
e.g., $T(n) = c\log(n)$ (for some constant $c$)
Linear Time: $\Theta(n)$
e.g., $T(n) = c_1n + c_0$ (for some constants $c_0, c_1$)
Quadratic Time: $\Theta(n^2)$
e.g., $T(n) = c_2n^2 + c_1n + c_0$
Polynomial Time: $\Theta(n^k)$ (for some $k \in \mathbb Z^+$)
e.g., $T(n) = c_kn^k + \ldots + c_1n + c_0$
Exponential Time: $\Theta(c^n)$ (for some $c \geq 1$)

Big-O, Big-Ω

What is the asymptotic runtime of...

  • ...looking up an element in an Array?

The runtime depends on where the item is in the list.

    for(i <- 0 until data.size)
      if( data(i) == target ){ return i }
    return NOT_FOUND

What is the runtime growth function?

$$T(n) = \begin{cases} \ell & \textbf{if } data(0) == target\\ 2\ell & \textbf{if } data(1) == target\\ 3\ell & \textbf{if } data(2) == target\\ \ldots & \ldots\\ (n-1)\ell & \textbf{if } data(n-1) == target\\ n\ell & \textbf{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

Aside: No general, meaningful notion of limit for $T(n)$s like this.

$T(n) \in \Theta(n)$?

If we choose $c = \ell$, we can show $T(n) \leq c \cdot n$ (for any $n$)

... but there is no $c$ s.t. $T(n) \geq c \cdot n$ always!

... $T(1000000)$ could be as small as $\ell$,
so $T(1000000) \not \geq 1000000\ell$

$T(n) \in \Theta(1)$?

If we choose $c = \ell$, we can show $T(n) \geq c \cdot 1$ (for any $n$)

... but there is no $c$ s.t. $T(n) \leq c \cdot 1$ always!

... $T(1000000)$ could be as big as $1000000\ell$,
so $T(1000000) \not \leq \ell$

Problem: What if $g(n)$ doesn't bound $f(n)$
from both above and below?

    if input = 1:
      /* take 1 step */
      /* take n steps */

Schroedinger's Code: Simultaneously behaves like
$f_1(n) = 1$ and $f_2(n) = n$ (can't tell until runtime)

Upper, Lower Bounds

"Worst-Case Complexity"
$O(g(n))$ is the set of functions that are in $g(n)$'s complexity class, or a "smaller" class.
"Best-Case Complexity"
$\Omega(g(n))$ is the set of functions that are in $g(n)$'s complexity class, or a "bigger" class.


$f(n) \in O(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{high}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \leq c_{high}\cdot g(n)$

There is some $c_{high}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{high}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$


$$2^n + 4n \in O(n^2)?$$
$$2^n + 4n \in O(n^4 + 8 n^3)?$$
$$n\log(n) + 5n \in O(n^2 + 5n)?$$


$f(n) \in \Omega(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{low}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \geq c_{low}\cdot g(n)$

There is some $c_{low}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{low}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$


$$2^n + 4n \in \Omega(n^2 + 5)?$$
$$2^n + 4n \in \Omega(\log(n))?$$
$$n\log(n) + 5n \in \Omega(n\log(n))?$$


Big-O: "Worst Case" bound
$O(g(n))$ is the functions that $g(n)$ bounds from above
Big-Ω: "Best Case" bound
$\Omega(g(n))$ is the functions that $g(n)$ bounds from below
Big-Ï´: "Tight" bound
$\Theta(g(n))$ is the functions that $g(n)$ bounds from both above and below

$f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$    â†”    $f(n) \in O(g(n))$ and $f(n) \in \Omega(g(n))$


Big-O: "Worst Case" bound
If $T(n) \in O(g(n))$, then the runtime is no worse than $g(n)$
Big-Ω: "Best Case" bound
If $T(n) \in \Omega(g(n))$, then the runtime is no better than $g(n)$
Big-Ï´: "Tight" bound
If $T(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$, then the runtime is always $g(n)$

$f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$    â†”    $f(n) \in O(g(n))$ and $f(n) \in \Omega(g(n))$