CSE-250 Fall 2022 - Section B - Midterm Review

Midterm Review

CSE-250 Fall 2022 - Section B

Oct 17, 2022


Scala Types

Type Description Examples
BooleanBinary valuetrue, false
Char16-bit unsigned integer‘x’, ‘y’
Byte8-bit signed integer42.toByte
Short16-bit signed integer42.toShort
Int32-bit signed integer42
Long64-bit signed integer42l
FloatSingle-precision floating-point number42.0f
DoubleDouble-precision floating-point number42.0
UnitNo value()

Scala Types

Mutable vs Immutable

Something that can be changed
Something that can not be changed
  • val: A value that can not be reassigned (immutable)
  • var: A variable that can be reassigned (mutable)

Mutable vs Immutable

scala> val s = mutable.Set(1, 2, 3)

scala> s += 4

scala> println(s.mkString(", ")
1, 2, 3, 4

If a val points to a mutable object, the mutable object can still be changed.



  • Let $a, b, c, n > 0$
  • Exponent Rule: $\log(n^a) = a \log(n)$
  • Product Rule: $\log(an) = \log(a) + \log(n)$
  • Division Rule: $\log\left(\frac{n}{a}\right) = \log(n) - \log(a)$
  • Change of Base from $b$ to $c$: $\log_b(n) = \frac{\log_c(n)}{\log_c(b)}$
  • Log/Exponent are Inverses: $b^{\log_b(n)} = \log_b(b^n) = n$

Growth Functions

Growth Functions

Assumptions about $f(n)$

Problem sizes are non-negative integers
$n \in \mathbb Z^+ \cup \{0\}$
We can't reverse time
$f(n) \geq 0$
Smaller problems aren't harder than bigger problems
For any $n_1 < n_2$, $f(n_1) \leq f(n_2)$

To make the math simpler, we'll allow fractional steps.

Asymptotic Analysis @ 5000 feet

Goal: Organize runtimes (growth functions) into different Complexity Classes.

Within a complexity class, runtimes "behave the same"


The following are all saying the same thing

  • $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\frac{f(n)}{g(n)} = $ some non-zero constant.
  • $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ have the same complexity.
  • $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ are in the same complexity class.
  • $f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$
  • $f(n)$ is bounded from above and below by $g(n)$

Big-Theta (As a Bound)

$f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{low}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \geq c_{low}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{low}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always bigger than $c_{low}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$
$\exists c_{high}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \leq c_{high}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{high}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{high}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$

Proving Big-Theta

  1. Assume $f(n) \geq c_{low}g(n)$.
  2. Rewrite the above formula to find a $c_{low}$ for which it holds (for big enough n).
  3. Assume $f(n) \leq c_{high}g(n)$.
  4. Rewrite the above formula to find a $c_{high}$ for which it holds (for big enough n).

Shortcut: Find the dominant term being summed, and remove constants.

Common Runtimes

Constant Time: $\Theta(1)$
e.g., $T(n) = c$ (runtime is independent of $n$)
Logarithmic Time: $\Theta(\log(n))$
e.g., $T(n) = c\log(n)$ (for some constant $c$)
Linear Time: $\Theta(n)$
e.g., $T(n) = c_1n + c_0$ (for some constants $c_0, c_1$)
Quadratic Time: $\Theta(n^2)$
e.g., $T(n) = c_2n^2 + c_1n + c_0$
Polynomial Time: $\Theta(n^k)$ (for some $k \in \mathbb Z^+$)
e.g., $T(n) = c_kn^k + \ldots + c_1n + c_0$
Exponential Time: $\Theta(c^n)$ (for some $c \geq 1$)

Other Bounds

$f(n) \in \Theta(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{low}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \geq c_{low}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{low}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always bigger than $c_{low}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$
$\exists c_{high}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \leq c_{high}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{high}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{high}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$

Other Bounds

$f(n) \in O(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{low}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \geq c_{low}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{low}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always bigger than $c_{low}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$
$\exists c_{high}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \leq c_{high}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{high}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{high}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$

Other Bounds

$f(n) \in \Omega(g(n))$ iff...

$\exists c_{low}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \geq c_{low}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{low}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always bigger than $c_{low}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$
$\exists c_{high}, n_{0}$ s.t. $\forall n > n_{0}$, $f(n) \leq c_{high}\cdot g(n)$
There is some $c_{high}$ that we can multiply $g(n)$ by so that $f(n)$ is always smaller than $c_{high}g(n)$ for values of $n$ above some $n_0$

Other Bounds

Big-O: "Worst Case" bound
The set of all functions in the same or a smaller complexity class (same or faster runtime).
Big-Ω: "Best Case" bound
The set of all functions in the same or a bigger complexity class (same or slower runtime).
Big-Ï´: "Tight" bound
The set of all functions in the same complexity class (same runtime).
"Tight Worst Case"
$n^2 \in O(n^3)$ is true, but you can do better.

$\Theta(g(n)) = O(g(n)) \cap \Omega(g(n))$

$\Theta$ is the same as ($O$ and $\Omega$)

Analyzing Code

The growth function for a block of code...

One Line of Code
Sum the growth functions of every method the line invokes.
Lines of Sequential Code
Sum up the growth function of each line of code.
Use a summation ($\sum$) over the body of the loop.
(Shorthand: $k$ loops with a $O(f(n))$ body = $O(k\cdot f(n))$


The Seq ADT

apply(idx: Int): A
Get the element (of type A) at position idx.
iterator: Iterator[A]
Get access to view all elements in the seq, in order, once.
length: Int
Count the number of elements in the seq.

The mutable.Seq ADT

apply(idx: Int): A
Get the element (of type A) at position idx.
iterator: Iterator[A]
Get access to
all elements in the seq, in order, once.
length: Int
Count the number of elements in the seq.
insert(idx: Int, elem: A): Unit
Insert an element at position idx with value elem.
remove(idx: Int): A
Remove the element at position idx and return the removed value.

Sequence Implementations

Linked List
$O(1)$ mutations by reference or head/tail, $O(n)$ otherwise
$O(1)$ access/update, $O(n)$ insert/remove
$O(1)$ access/update, $O(n)$ insert/remove
$O(1)$ amortized append

Amortized $O(1)$

Bounds for one call:
Amortized says nothing.
Bounds for $n$ calls:
Guaranteed always $< n\cdot O(1)$.

Expected $O(1)$

No guarantees at all!


Tight $\Theta(f(n))$
The cost of one call will always be a constant factor from $f(n)$.
Worst Case $O(f(n))$
The cost of one call will never be worse than a constant factor from $f(n)$.
Amortized Worst Case $O(f(n))$
The cost of n calls will never be worse than a constant factor from $n \cdot f(n)$.
Expected Worst Case $O(f(n))$
"Usually" not worse than a constant factor from $f(n)$, but no promises.


Operation Array ArrayBuffer LinkedList by Index LinkedList by Ref
apply $O(1)$ $O(1)$ $O(n)$ or $O(i)$ $O(1)$
update $O(1)$ $O(1)$ $O(n)$ or $O(i)$ $O(1)$
insert $O(n)$ $O(n)$ or
Amortized $O(n-i)$
$O(n)$ or $O(i)$ $O(1)$
remove $O(n)$ $O(n)$ or $O(n-i)$ $O(n)$ or $O(i)$ $O(1)$
append $O(n)$ $O(n)$ or Amortized $O(1)$ $O(n)$ or $O(i)$ $O(1)$



What's the complexity? (in terms of n)

    def fibb(n: Int): Long =
      if(n < 2){ 1 }
      else { fibb(n-1) + fibb(n-2) }


$$T(n) = \begin{cases} \Theta(1) & \textbf{if } n < 2\\ T(n-1) + T(n-2) + \Theta(1) & \textbf{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

Test Hypothesis: $T(n) \in O(2^n)$

Merge Sort

  def merge[A: Ordering](left: Seq[A], right: Seq[A]): Seq[A] = {
    val output = ArrayBuffer[A]()
    val leftItems = left.iterator.buffered
    val rightItems = right.iterator.buffered
    while(leftItems.hasNext || rightItems.hasNext) {
      if(!left.hasNext)          { output.append(right.next) }
      else if(!right.hasNext)    { output.append(left.next) }
      else if(Ordering[A].lt( left.head, right.head ))
                                 { output.append(left.next) }
      else                       { output.append(right.next) }

Merge Sort

Each time though loop advances either left or right.

Total Runtime: $\Theta(|\texttt{left}| + |\texttt{right}|)$

Merge Sort

Observation: Merging two sorted arrays can be done in $O(n)$.

Idea: Split the input in half, sort each half, and merge.

Merge Sort

    def sort[A: Ordering](data: Seq[A]): Seq[A] = 
      if(data.length <= 1) { return data }
      else {
        val (left, right) = data.splitAt(data.length / 2)
        return merge(

Merge Sort

Divide: Split the sequence in half
$D(n) = \Theta(n)$ (can do in $\Theta(1)$)
Conquer: Sort left and right halves
$a = 2$, $b = 2$, $c = 1$
Combine: Merge halves together
$C(n) = \Theta(n)$

Merge Sort

$$T(n) = \begin{cases} \Theta(1) & \textbf{if } n \leq 1 \\ 2\cdot T(\frac{n}{2}) + \Theta(1) + \Theta(n) & \textbf{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

How can we find a closed-form hypothesis?

Idea: Draw out the cost of each level of recursion.

Merge Sort: Recursion Tree

$$T(n) = \begin{cases} \Theta(1) & \textbf{if } n \leq 1 \\ 2\cdot T(\frac{n}{2}) + \Theta(1) + \Theta(n) & \textbf{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

Each node of the tree shows $D(n) + C(n)$

Hypothesis: $n \cdot \log(n)$

Merge Sort: Proof By Induction

Now use induction to prove that there is a $c, n_0$
such that $T(n) \leq c \cdot n\log(n)$ for any $n > n_0$

$$T(n) = \begin{cases} c_0 & \textbf{if } n \leq 1 \\ 2\cdot T(\frac{n}{2}) + c_1 + c_2\cdot n & \textbf{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

Merge Sort: Proof By Induction

Base Case: $T(1) \leq c \cdot 1$

$$c_0 \leq c$$

True for any $c > c_0$

Merge Sort: Proof By Induction

Assume: $T(\frac{n}{2}) \leq c \frac{n}{2} \log\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)$

Show: $T(n) \leq c n \log\left(n\right)$

$$2\cdot T(\frac{n}{2}) + c_1 + c_2 n \leq c n \log(n)$$

By the assumption and transitivity, showing the following inequality suffices:
$$2 c \frac{n}{2} \log\left(\frac{n}{2}\right) + c_1 + c_2 n \leq c n \log(n)$$

$$c n \log(n) - c n \log(2) + c_1 + c_2 n \leq c n \log(n)$$

$$c_1 + c_2 n \leq c n \log(2)$$

$$\frac{c_1}{n \log(2)} + \frac{c_2}{\log(2)} \leq c$$

True for any $n_0 \geq \frac{c_1}{\log(2)}$ and $c > \frac{c_2}{\log(2)}+1$

Stacks and Queues

Stacks vs Queues

Put a new object on top of the stack
Remove the object on top of the stack
Peek at what's on top of the stack
Put a new object at the end of the queue
Remove the next object in the queue
Peek at the next object in the queue

Queues vs Stacks

First in, First out (FIFO)
Last in, First Out (LIFO / FILO)



A graph is a pair $(V, E)$ where

  • $V$ is a set of vertices
  • $E$ is a set of vertex pairs called edges
  • edges and vertices may also store data (labels)

Edge Types

Directed Edge (e.g., transmit bandwidth)
  • Ordered pair of vertices $(u, v)$
  • origin ($u$) → destination ($v$)
Undirected edge (e.g., round-trip latency)
  • Unordered pair of vertices $(u, v)$
Directed Graph
All edges are directed
Undirected Graph
All edges are undirected


Endpoints (end-vertices) of an edge
U, V are the endpoints of a
Edges incident on a vertex
a, b, d are incident on V
Adjacent Vertices
U, V are adjacent
Degree of a vertex (# of incident edges)
X has degree 5
Parallel Edges
h, i are parallel
j is a self-loop
Simple Graph
A graph without parallel edges or self-loops


The number of vertices
The number of edges
The degree of vertex $v$

Graph Properties

$$\sum_{v} deg(v) = 2m$$

Proof: Each edge is counted twice

Graph Properties

In a directed graph with no self-loops and no parallel edges:

$$m \leq n(n-1)$$

  • No parallel edges: each pair connected at most once
  • No self loops: pick each vertex once

$n$ choices for the first vertex
$(n-1)$ choices for the second vertex $$m \leq n(n-1)$$

A (Directed) Graph ADT

Two type parameters (Graph[V, E])
V: The vertex label type
E: The edge label type
... are elements (like Linked List Nodes)
... store a value of type V
... are elements
... store a value of type E

A (Directed) Graph ADT

  trait Graph[V, E] {
    def vertices: Iterator[Vertex]
    def edges: Iterator[Edge]
    def addVertex(label: V): Vertex
    def addEdge(orig: Vertex, dest: Vertex, label: E): Edge
    def removeVertex(vertex: Vertex): Unit
    def removeEdge(edge: Edge): Unit

A (Directed) Graph ADT

  trait Vertex[V, E] {
    def outEdges: Seq[Edge]
    def inEdges: Seq[Edge]
    def incidentEdges: Iterator[Edge] = outEdges ++ inEdges
    def edgeTo(v: Vertex): Boolean
    def label: V

  trait Edge[V, E] {
    def origin: Vertex
    def destination: Vertex
    def label: E

Edge List

Edge List Summary

  • addEdge, addVertex: $O(1)$
  • removeEdge: $O(1)$
  • removeVertex: $O(m)$
  • vertex.incidentEdges: $O(m)$
  • vertex.edgeTo: $O(m)$
  • Space Used: $O(n) + O(m)$

Idea: Store the in/out edges for each vertex.

Attempt 3: Adjacency List

    class DirectedGraphV3[V, E] extends Graph[V, E] {
      /* ... */
      class Vertex(label: V) = {
        var node: DoublyLinkedList[Vertex].Node = null
        val inEdges = DoublyLinkedList[Edge]()
        val outEdges = DoublyLinkedList[Edge]()
        /* ... */
      class Edge(orig: Vertex, dest: Vertex, label: E) = {
        var node: DoublyLinkedList[Edge].Node = null
        var origNode: DoublyLinkedList[Edge].Node = null
        var destNode: DoublyLinkedList[Edge].Node = null
        /* ... */
      /* ... */

Adjacency List Summary

  • addEdge, addVertex: $O(1)$
  • removeEdge: $O(1)$
  • vertex.incidentEdges: $O(deg(vertex))$
  • removeVertex: $O(deg(vertex))$
  • vertex.edgeTo: $O(deg(vertex))$
  • Space Used: $O(n) + O(m)$

A few more definitions...

A subgraph $S$ of a graph $G$ is a graph where...
$S$'s vertices are a subset of $G$'s vertices
$S$'s edges are a subset of $G$'s edges
A spanning subgraph of $G$...
Is a subgraph of $G$
Contains all of $G$'s vertices.

A few more definitions...

A graph is connected...
If there is a path between every pair of vertices
A connected component of $G$...
Is a maximal connected subgraph of $G$
  • "maximal" means you can't add any new vertex without breaking the property
  • Any subset of $G$'s edges that connects the subgraph is fine.

A few more definitions...

A free tree is an undirected graph $T$ such that:
There is exactly one simple path between any two nodes
  • T is connected
  • T has no cycles
A rooted tree is a directed graph $T$ such that:
One vertex of $T$ is the root
There is exactly one simple path from the root to every other vertex in the graph.
A (free/rooted) forest is a graph $F$ such that
Every connected component is a tree.

A few more definitions...

A spanning tree of a connected graph...
Is a spanning subgraph that is a tree.
Is not unique unless the graph is a tree.

Depth-First Search

Summing up...

Mark Vertices UNVISITED $O(|V|)$
Mark Edges UNVISITED $O(|E|)$
DFS Vertex Loop $O(|V|)$
All Calls to DFSOne $O(|E|)$
$O(|V| + |E|)$

Depth-First Search

Summing up...

Mark Vertices UNVISITED $O(|V|)$
Mark Edges UNVISITED $O(|E|)$
Add each vertex to the work queue $O(|V|)$
Process each vertex $O(|E|)$
$O(|V| + |E|)$
Application DFS BFS
Spanning Trees ✔✔
Connected Components✔✔
Paths/Connectivity ✔✔
Cycles ✔✔
Shortest Paths ✔
Articulation Points ✔